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OG Organics™ Big Bud®

OG Organics™ Big Bud®

24,00 €Preis
inkl. MwSt. |


WHAT ISt OG Organics TM Big Bud ® ?


Get lush yields full of lush, strong flowers. OG OrganicsTM ™Big Bud ® is a first-class organic input material and closes the gap between heavy harvests and purely natural ingredients. We have enhanced this bestseller with the flower-promoting properties of fish protein hydrolysate and an optimal ratio of flower-promoting phosphorus and potassium. Calcium lignosulfonate, iron amino acid complex, magnesium and sulfur complete this organic input and offer your high-quality plants an extensive menu of micronutrients that promote a productive flowering phase.

  • The K-to-P ratio of 2:1 meets the nutrient requirements of the plants and at the same time protects against heavy metal contamination
  • Provides secondary micronutrients that create ideal conditions for bloating
  • 20 bioavailable amino acids form the frame for flowering

OG Organics TM Big Bud ® is specifically designed for use with various hydroponic growth media and all continuous liquid feed growing systems such as aeroponics, drip irrigation and emitters, NFT, flooding and drainage, and deep-water culture.


ATTENTION: OG Organics TM Big Bud ® this product is completely compatible with all pH-Perfect-Base nutrients as well as with all non-pH-Perfect base nutrients and food supplements as well as all basic nutrients and food supplements of the competition


NOTE: At Advanced Nutrients, we do not use paclobutrazol, daminozid or other prohibited plant growth regulators in our products.

  • Additional Info

    OG OrganicsTM Big Bud® - Uncover the No. 1
    Organic method for strong, swelling flowers

    For more than two decades, breeders have been resorting to Big Bud® to harvest lush gardens full of flowers ...

    Because its 20 natural, bioavailable amino acids make it easier than ever to harvest fat, glittering, high-quality flowers ...

    Those who score top prices and attract even the most demanding customers.

    In fact, there is such an overwhelming demand for Big Bud that it is one of the first products we prioritize for business when we ramp up the production of our products.

    Of course we could rest on our laurels ...

    And continue to praise our best-selling biostimuli.

    But that's not the kind of company we are.

    The spirit of innovation is anchored in our DNA.

    And that is why it is NEVER an option for us to stop at “good enough”.

    Instead, we invest in developing solutions for every breeder in our community ...

    Including those of you who choose organic cultivation

    Now the choice of an organic solution offers many advantages.

    And if you've decided to do so, you earn access to world-class nutrients that work just as well as their non-biological counterparts ...

    WITHOUT introducing the all too common problems faced by biogrowers.

    But unfortunately ...

    Many products require to be biological ...

    However, they have not received the certifications that prove that they meet the standards for organic farming.

    Not only that ...

    Other organic products can affect your goal of quick and lush growth.

    First of all, it often takes longer to be absorbed than with conventional options.

    And if you encounter frequent problems, you can ...

    Adding more nutrients to your plants, increasing spending on your nutrients

    Fixed frames that it takes longer for your plants to reach and maintain their peak performance

    Having difficulty recognizing nutrient deficiencies without knowing whether they would improve themselves

    Does this mean that you should forget organic farming?

    Absolutely not.

    It only means that you need organic inputs that peak scientific development while maintaining the intrinsic benefits of your preferred cultivation method.

    And that's why countless organic farmers turn to ...

    OG OrganicsTM Big Bud®!

    Because it helps them to create a lush leap roof from swelling flowers ...

    You can be sure that they feed their plants exclusively with organic ingredients.

    In fact, Europe's OG OrganicsTM Big Bud® was developed with the same formulation and the same bio-quality standards as the American version, which is CDFA (California Department of Food and Agriculture) and OMRI (Organic Materials Review Institute) certified.

    For this reason, it is the first choice for breeders who want to be 100% sure that their inputs are compatible with organic farming.

    And if you use the power of this flower booster in your garden, you will...

    • A rich harvest with huge, dense flowers
    • maximize the flower mass with an optimal 2:1 PK ratio
    • Provide a wide range of bioavailable amino acids to create optimal conditions for your plants

    And that's not all...

    You'll also deliver secondary micronutrients that promote maximum nutrient absorption, so your organic formula is as efficient as its synthetic counterparts.

    These include ...

    • Calcium lignosulfonate, a naturally complexed form of calcium
    • An iron-amino acid complex
    • Magnesium
    • Sulfur

    All of this helps to support the peak performance that your plants should achieve in a first-class flowering phase.

    Imagine how great it will feel when your friends witness for the first time a lush harvest covered with flowering plants from top to bottom...

    And the shock in their faces when they are told that these plants have been grown exclusively by organic means.

    THAT is the kind of pleasant surprise that awaits you when you feed your plants with OG Organics Big Bud.

    Do not wait and discover the perfect combination of natural ingredients and technology of the next generation.

    Find OG Organics Big Bud today at an authorized dealer near you.

    And remember, we have supported every purchase with ...

    Your iron 100% money-back customer guarantee

    If for some reason you are not completely satisfied with the results you achieve with the use of OG Organics Big Bud, simply return the unused quantity to the location of purchase within six months and return your money.

    Advanced Nutrients was founded by breeders for breeders. For this reason, we treat you as we want ourselves to be treated, and stand behind all our products with our .

    It is as simple as that.

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